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Python Package Install using PIP Command

Python Package Install using PIP Command 
What Is PIP
PIP is a standard package manager for Python packages or modules.
It is one of the most famous and widely used package management
system which is used to install and manage software packages
written in Python and found in Python Package Index (PyPI).
PIP is included by default on Python version 3.4 or later.
It allows us to install and manage additional packages that are not part of
the Python standard library. Just like python,
Ruby uses gem for package management, JavaScript uses npm and.
NET use NuGet. Pip stands for "Pip Installs Python".
Also we can say that it stands for "Pip Installs Packages" or "Preferred Installer Program".
Using Windows, We will able to install a Python package by opening 
the Windows Command Prompt, and then type this command:
learn more python blog 1) Python Data Type

Steps to Install a Python Package using PIP
  1. Type “cmd” at Python Scripts path:


  1. Here, we would like to install the beautifulsoap4 package, 
    then type the following command in the Command Prompt:


  1. press Enter, and we’ll notice that the package (here it’s beautifulsoup4) will be installed:

We can quickly check if the package was successfully installed in 
Python, by opening any the Python IDLE and then running the command 
“import beautifulsoup4”.

If no errors appear, then the package was successfully installed.

Uninstall a Package using PIP

To uninstall a package using PIP, type the following command in the 
Command Prompt (set the Python Scripts path before type this command):

pip uninstall package name
In this case, type: pip uninstall beautifulsoup4 and then press Enter:
Finally, type y and press Enter in order to proceed with the removal of the package:


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